Role of Botox in muscle pain
Many people especially women are aware of the word Botox or the Anti-wrinkle shot or the Magic shot and might have even tried it once or more. Recently Botox was also introduced as a therapeutic agent to treat chronic pain of the neck or back due to muscle spasticity or chronic spasm. It is a safe , simple and successful technique with proven results. It acts locally through intervening with nerologic impulses causin muscle relaxation.
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ان العديد من البشر وخاصه النساء قد سمعوا بعقار البوتوكس او حقنه معالجه تجاعيد الوجه وريما قد جربوها ايضا وبنجاح. استمرارا لنجاح العقار ومن نفس المبدا الطبي فق استخدم العقار لعلاج الالام المزمنه في الرقبه والظهر نتيجه تقلصات العضلات والمعروفه ايضا بالشد العضلى.